Time just flies. It is already four years since Ravija, my daughter has completed her Ironman at Busselton in Australia. Ironman is a triathlon event consisting of 4km’s swimming, 180 km’s of cycling and 42km’s of running, one after another and each activity having a cutoff time. Both of us were competing and complementing each other during our preparations for the Ironman contest, both of us taught and learnt from each other. She taught me few skills of swimming and in turn she learnt some tricks of cycling and running from me. I fondly remember this time as it made our bond stronger. I could closely observe how a girl at the age of 18 was preparing herself both mentally and physically to win the prestigious title of Ironman. The journey was tough, there were many ups and downs and the mood swings were numerous. But focused she was !! After rigorous training, we finally went to Vichy in France. But Ravija met with a setback. She was disqualified for overshooting the time limit in cycling by 5 minutes.
Initially this shook her and she gave up the idea of attempting it again. Her belief was, she gave her best and may be this was not her cup of tea. As time passed, one day after discussing with her mother she decided to give another shot to the Ironman challenge. This was not an easy decision. She had to undergo the same strict regime of total commitment all over again. Finally, with grit and dedication she completed the whole event of 226 km’s in the mandated time and achieved the title of Ironman.
I was always curious to know why she had attempted this after a failure. Furthermore, achieving this title would not have made much difference in her personal life and what if she had failed again. I had a one to one conversation with her. Here are a few questions which I posed to her and her responses.

1. How did you motivate yourself after you lost at Vichy?
Ravija: “A failure can never be the moment you choose to define yourself hence it must always be treated as a second chance towards achieving your dreams.”
Motivating myself was easy once I realized that I was at rock bottom and there was no other way to go but up. In my case I was just doing my best and constantly telling myself about this defining moment. I kept pushing because giving up was not an option. When you train for something as demanding as Ironman you should know your body will be exhausted so you train your mind and your brain more than your body. Your body takes commands from your brain and the choice to stop and give up comes from your brain. As long as you have a strong mindset, and your brain says don’t give up and continue working towards your goal your body will always comply.
2]How did you get rid of your negative thoughts?
Ravija: Negativity was never a part of my personality as an athlete. I have always believed in the potential my body holds. I was tired but being tired is not a reason to give up ever. As long as you can tone out voices of doubt from inside you and from the outside world any task becomes doable. Once, I had someone tell my coach that I was incapable of finishing Ironman even the second time. When you hear negative talks it’s easy to feel discouraged but as an athlete, I learned to ignore those who didn’t believe in me. There is a quote which I really like and it says “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can’t put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.” Goi Nasu
3] Whom will you give credit your success to?
Ravija: Everything I am or ever hope to be is all because of my family. My parents have always been the ones supporting me. I have become the person I am today because I had the excellent example of my parents to look up to and because I was raised in a household where opportunities were to be appreciated. I have been taught to work hard and dream big. But dream big is not sufficient, you should work hard to achieve them. My trainers and coaches have inculcated a positive attitude in me, which does not let me give up easily.
4] Do you think Ironman has been important in your life, if so then how?
Ravija: Ironman isn’t just a turning point it is a defining moment in my life. It is something which taught me that I am full of undiscovered potential, and I can always do better. When I finished the Ironman race it was the first time, I cried tears of joy at the age of 19 and I don’t think that is something to take lightly. With Ironman I learned more about myself and mostly I understood how to appreciate myself.
In conclusion, Ravija has taught me that failure is not final. There is always another chance but it is on us how we take it. Negativity, fatigue and failure are bound to crop up but train your mind and body in such a way that you don’t give up.

Quitters Don’t Win and Winners Don’t Quit.
Ironman | Deccan Cliffhanger | Comrade Legend Finisher | Motivational Speaker | Writer | Endurance Athlete
Very Inspiring to all of us
Sir, congratulations to u and ur courageous daughter. Wish her all the best for bright future.
It’s very inspiring story of Rajiva , it’s not very easy to compete for ironman , but she did it .. congratulations to both of you and family… it definitely needs self commitment, hard work, persistence. and perseverance.
Indeed a great inspiring story of you both Sir. The quote mentioned by Ravija “An entire sea of water can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship.” will be remembered forever…. We are proud to be associated with multifaceted personality like yours Sir

Achievement of Ironman title at such young age is really commendable. But what is more appreciated is attempting it after one failure. Great Self discipline and mind / body training !! Kudos to the whole family!
Amazing like father like daughter it requires tremendous willpower and hard work. Proud of you both…

Big congratulations to Ravija and you
Very nicely Quoted..”failure is not final there is always another chance”
keep motivating
Big congratulations to Ravija ji and parents
It’s really proud to achieve “IRON MAN “title
Nicely quoted.”failure is not final there is always an another chance”
Keep motivating
Congratulations to Ravija and proud parents. GOD bless her.
Sir I have seen You workout, you are not the one who gives up easily, like father, daughter also has the same thought process, so no doubt on that best of luck to both on your future ventures, Great
Very impressive. Congratulations, deserve to be Ironman, Fortune always favors the bravery. Keep the spirit
Sir, congratulations to u and your courageous daughter. Wish her all the best for bright future.
Really Hon.sir it’s inspiring & learning “Failure is not final” needs discipline & dedication. Hat’s off u Hon.sir & Courageous Ravija. Wish her Best wishes.
Thanks for sharing
एका वाक्यात बोलायचे तर,एक सुवचन आहे—-,
“शुद्ध बीजापोटी, फळे रसाळ गोमटी”
सलाम अनुजाला,तिच्या धैर्या ला आणि तिच्या खंबीर प्रयत्नांना आणि तिच्या प्रेरणास्रोत असलेल्या आई वडिलांना
सर, रविजा बरोबर साधलेलया संवादावरून तिच्यात प्रचंड आत्मविश्वास आहे.

” अपयश हि यशाची पहीली पायरी आहे ”
खुप खुप अभिनंदन.
पुढील वाटचालीस शुभेच्छा
“ The mind gives up before the body” …
Very true!
Proud movement for father
Great family

All are winners
We learn a lot from you Sir

Questions response by Ravija Didi inspire us….
सर, तुम्हाला व तुमच्या धाडसी मुलीचे खुप खुप अभिनंदन आणि तुमचा कुटुंबीयांना खुप खुप शुभेच्छा.
Ravija achivement of Ironman at the age of 19 is really commendable.Most important physical tiredness of body is controlled by the positive mindset.Great family.

One more appreciative achievement by your young daughter Ms. Ravija.

Great and Heartist Congratulations.
Very much inspiring story and tru journey of Rutuja. Very mzch proud of her and both too. Thanks for sharing. Dr Nitin Seth.
Excellent Article of positivity….
Congratulation Sir
Very nicely discussed. Every failure taught another challenge to improve previous mistakes and positive thinking never accepting to gave up. So Think always positive , success will automatically achieved off corse without hardworking it is impossible.
Really inspiring journey. It feels that story is running in eyes continuesly.
Superb Inspiration!!!! Kudos to Singal Family

Hearty Congratulations sir, you are our inspiration!!!
Congrats sir,to you and yr Daughter,””..Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances wud have lain dormant..Even when i can’t see the light at the end of tunnel,I still believe its there, this attitude has delivered the goods…Hats off to both of you
अत्यधिक कठिन प्रतियोगिता जिसके विभिन्न चरणों के सम्बंध में सुनकर ही रौंगटे खड़े हो जाये ऐसी दुष्कर प्रतियोगिता को कम उम्र में पूर्ण करने के लिए रविजा का अभिनंदन। अथक परिश्रम और इस उपलब्धि के पीछे प्रेरणा स्त्रोत को नमन
Super inspirational. Way to go . Many congratulations to the entire family.
Congratulations n best wishes for more achievements like this
Thanks Harish
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot Avinash for your kind words
Thanks Milind
So nice to hear that. Thanks
You are absolutely right. Thanks
Thanks Nandu
Thanks Samadhan
Thanks Dr sahab for the appreciation
Thanks a lot
Yes, that’s true. Thanks
Dhanyawaad Vinod
Thanks a lot
Thanks Anil
Thanks a lot
Yes, mind prevails over our body
Jee ek dam. Thanks
Thanks Vilas
Yes, failure is not final. Thanks Mukhtar
Thanks Suresh
Yes, I also believe so.
True, thanks for the appreciation
Thanks a lot Girish ji.
Thanks a lot
Thanks Nitin
“Mind is mightier than the physical body “
This statement sums it all . The never give up attitude & the tenacity shown by Ravija after her first set back & to come back to get the coveted title is truly inspiring. Many congratulations to her. Best wishes& blessings for her future, keep inspiring
“शुद्ध बीजापोटी, फळे रसाळ गोमटी”

सलाम अनुजाला,तिच्या धैर्या ला आणि तिच्या खंबीर प्रयत्नांना आणि तिच्या प्रेरणास्रोत असलेल्या आई वडिलांना खरोखरच ग्रेट आणि खंबीर नेतृत्व असल्यामुळे आमच्या शुभेच्छा सदैव तुझ्या पाठीशी आहेत तू नक्कीच यशाच्या शिखरावर चढशील हीच मनातुन शुभेच्छा
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