As I enter the NEW YEAR 2023

Today as 2022 comes to a close it seems that yet another chapter of my life is getting closed. In all it has been an eventful and fulfilling year. Now, on the eve of the new year 2023, I feel it is the time to reflect upon the year gone by and a new year that is yet to begin. For me 2022 was a fruitful year as I could learn few new skills, made new friends and enjoyed the time spent with my family. Professionally, I was given a new responsibility and I could learn and contribute with my past experience.

I always believe, a happy life is an equilateral whole of physical, mental and spiritual harmony. I tried to achieve this harmony in my life and was successful in many ways. Physically I faced a few challenges but with proper medical care and right mental attitude I managed to overcome my challenges. Spiritually speaking I have learnt that life is like a river. It flows at its own pace and never crosses the same point twice. Hence, I have achieved a lot of successes and landmarks in the past year. But I have also learnt to leave them there only and move on to newer places and experiences. My most defining moment in this year was the learning during my regular meditation when my own conscience gave me a beautiful insight which I feel like sharing with all my readers. I dreamt that it is the ultimate dream of every mountaineer to climb the Mount Everest. The mountaineer trains, spends his time and money and faces extreme climate to achieve his dream. when by the grace of God, he reaches the top of Mount Everest, what does he do? He falls on his feet and thanks God and the mountain for allowing him to reach the top. He lets this moment sink in his soul and then prepares to start his descent. It is the law of nature that nobody can make a home at the top of Mount Everest and every successful climber has to eventually come down to make space for other climbers. The mountaineer then comes down and again seeks newer adventures and prepares for them. In life also we achieve magnificent successes. We let them sink in our soul so that they become part of our conscience and then we have to move on to newer adventures. This is the most important law of nature that the river of life flows eternally and never stops anywhere. This is my most important spiritual learning in the year 2022 that our most significant failures and magnificent successes belong to only that moment in life and then the soul has to move on to learn new things. I can say that my emotional and spiritual journey has been significant in 2022 and I shall keep seeking to improve, to learn and be a better version of myself in 2023 also.

As I sit on the eve of 31st of December, I feel like refreshing my bucket list and set my goals for the coming year.  No matter what the year holds for me I shall continue to strive to aim for excellence and become mor evolved in the coming year.

As they say that each new year is a new chapter, a new story and a new journey and God has given us the opportunity to write it today once again.

Ravinder Singal
Ravinder Singal
Quitters Don’t Win and Winners Don’t Quit. Ironman | Deccan Cliffhanger | Comrade Legend Finisher | Motivational Speaker | Writer | Endurance Athlete


  • Spritual Life is very tuf Life bacause human body in small body this body is not look but that is body that is powerful body much and more knowledge you can read Srimadbhagwatgeeta that is Book all’questions and y your answer Jay Sri Krishna

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