Associations Matter

I have always felt that big pearls of wisdom can be found in small and random experiences of life. One such thing happened with me this Sunday when I went for a 5 KM run at Bandra. I was introduced to a group of runners spanning across different age groups and both genders. The enthusiasm of the whole group was very infectious. This made the entire process of warm up, cool down and the actual run very pleasant. During the whole run, all the group members were supporting each other because of which the race was completed with ease. The entire terrain of the Bandra run which began at the Bandra fort was a reward in itself. The fort firmly stands even today as a relic of the past. Many of us actually took time to admire the beauty of this age-old fort. Because of the beautiful surroundings and so much of positivity the race did not see to be a hard work to anybody. Instead, it was a pleasurable experience for a weekend getaway. After the race the whole group bonded over snacks and healthy drinks.
This interaction after the race actually got me thinking that all the group members were generally talking about the sense of fulfilment that came with exercise. The joys of deep sleep and also the benefits of eating healthy were discussed when they were ordering breakfast. It also struck me that each group member was focusing on other’s strength and reinforcing it with total positivity. There was absolutely no mention of failures and difficulties instead the whole focus was on present and future accomplishments and how the whole group will accomplish the other goals together.

This small incident taught me the simple fact that the company and the entire focus of the company affects the individual immensely. The sports events bring out the best sportsman spirit in each person and lead them to admire and appreciate the best. Not only this, it also provides an opportunity to visit areas where generally we don’t go. When we run in hills, forests or on the streets we are one with the nature which itself is a rewarding experience. I wonder what can be more enriching than being in the nature and breathing the fresh air and experiencing the rich flora and the fauna. That is why many runners keep their cameras ready so that they don’t miss beauty of nature. Imagine if a small event can bring up so much of joy and positivity in each one’s life, how much would be accomplished in each one of us were positively engaged and stayed in healthy company.
This small experience taught me multitude of things. First of all, any form of exercise not only improves your health but has a very strong impact on your mental state of being. And also, if one is in positive company, it uplifts one to stay positive and focus on higher accomplishments. And lastly the only way to fulfilment is to stay connected with other human beings who appreciate you and in return you appreciate their accomplishments.
In the end I would only say, explore yourself in the company of others and you will find the newer and a better version of yourself.

Ravinder Singal
Ravinder Singal
Quitters Don’t Win and Winners Don’t Quit. Ironman | Deccan Cliffhanger | Comrade Legend Finisher | Motivational Speaker | Writer | Endurance Athlete


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