Leading by Example

Qualities that make him a role model are self-discipline, never-give-up attitude, connect with people, love for challenges, clear communication, and a learning attitude.

A Self-Practicing Mantra

Commit. Start. Finish.

Quitters don’t win, and winners don’t quit – a belief close to his heart. He has been living this adage all his life. He says, “I never get bored when I am working because I enjoy my work. When you enjoy your work, you love it and don’t take it as a burden. So whatever initiatives I take, I take because I like them. That leaves no space for discarding them. It makes me work harder and helps me find the right people.

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Further, once you make a decision, you have to work for it without looking back. It’s all complimentary. People will keep joining you. In the journey, you enjoy all that is happening. This is what has been happening with me since the beginning”.
Nourishment for the Mind & Body

Be Curious. Be a Learner.

Dr. Singal believes that learning is a lifelong process, which helps one grow and add value to one’s work. He feels learning should never stop. Even at this age and position he is pursuing a new degree and venturing into new sports. Click here to view his academic learning curve.

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He has always been fascinated by people skating and paragliding, and he, finally, managed to master both at an age when many would have thought it to be impossible. This streak in his character has helped him to push his boundaries and explore new ventures adding meaning to his life.
Connecting and touching lives

Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence

He has invested in people’s lives and continues to build their morale. His empathetic attitude compels him to put himself in other’s shoes before solving their issues.

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Further, rather than focus on IQ, he emphasizes on EQ because he feels an emotional connection with people is important to touch their lives. All his work, in some way, are bound emotionally because he believes in getting to the depth of everything, giving his 100 percent, and being authentic. As he says, “When feelings are genuine and not superficial, only then you can truly relish life”.
To express love & care

Listening is Respecting

Respecting people is an intrinsic part of his character. Along with respect, comes an eagerness to listen to people without interruption, no matter what. These qualities make him more approachable and likable.

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But he feels, “Listening is not enough if you don’t genuinely connect with people by touching their hearts and creating an interpersonal relationship”. He makes sure people walking out of his office are satisfied and assured that their work will be done. These little actions leave an everlasting impression on whoever comes across Dr. Singal. 
Make health your priority

Your Body is Your Temple

Dr. Singal says, “Managing our life is in our hands. He always takes out time for his health. If a person is healthy, he will be more efficient. People around him draw inspiration and look upon him for advice and motivation.

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Every year many police personnel quit their jobs or are in a bad state of health at the fag end of their careers. But proper care and adopting a good fitness regime can save them from many such troubles.  A police officer must have the endurance to work under extreme situations and be trained in life-saving activities like swimming.

Specifically for the police force, he says, “The idea of a good health and a fit body is very important. We keep working non-stop, at times on the field, and with no leave on many occasions. With such a lifestyle comes depression, stress, even family issues. Under these disturbing circumstances, a good health can help you fight back much easily. Further, you can be a role model not only for society but also for your own family”.

Make Your Life Worth Remembering.