Be a smart user of a smart phone

Sir, I don’t carry a mobile charger to my workplace was the comment of a young entrepreneur.  He was responding to a small video clip of mine.  I could not resist calling him and finding out his reasons.

I asked him what the logic behind this was.  He said you had given some tips in your video on resisting the temptation of wastefully spending time on social media.  I agree with what you suggest, like shutting off the internet intermittently, keeping the mobile phone away from sight, limiting time for social media usage and keeping personal life very personal. It has helped me regain my life. But in addition to this, I have started charging my mobile phone once during the day.  When I know that there is no charger to recharge my phone, then I use it sparingly. This habit has helped me in removing distractions. Now I concentrate on the work at hand. I respond to my friends at my choice of time. Intelligent use of the smartphone has added to my peace of mind and has enhanced my efficiency.

Thanks, my friend, for this beautiful piece of additional advice. Most of us never realise when we suddenly transform from users to the slaves of our gadgets.

We must use all our gadgets and the internet at our convenience and for our purposes. They cannot be allowed to intrude upon or rule our time.

Ravinder Singal
Ravinder Singal
Quitters Don’t Win and Winners Don’t Quit. Ironman | Deccan Cliffhanger | Comrade Legend Finisher | Motivational Speaker | Writer | Endurance Athlete


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