How I would like my Future to be...

Often I am asked what I would like to do post retirement, since its a big milestone in everyone’s life.    A few of my friends are confused and even a little weary, but not me !!

Looking at the calendar and ticking off the dates during the day & changing the calendar page at the start of each month would not make happy. Also, I will not have a life of sitting at home and reading newspapers, watching TV and scrolling through the junk on social media. This is like killing your time without any purposeful intervention. This is definitely not how I see my future.

For me , I need to be sure of a few questions which need to be addressed before I start any activity –

Is it contributing anything substantial to me?  Is it making me healthy? Is it making my social life productive? Am I making new friends with this kind of life? Am I making myself useful to the society?

If the answer is affirmative to any one of the above questions then I will definitely pursue it.

Like all of us, I too have several dreams which I want to fulfill. My bucket list is long…….., I will definitely love to go for vacations and explore new places, meet new people and gain new experiences. However, the most important thing that I would like to undertake would be my project of working with the youth, helping them to focus on their financial, physical, and spiritual health. I would like to share my experiences , my mistakes etc. In the process even if it alters the life of 1 child , I will be a satisfied man.

I don’t want to be someone dwelling on my past but would like to modify and adapt myself to suit the requirements of the present. I shall make myself useful to the society which has given me so much as an Officer and as a human being

Ultimately I have only one life to live and relish so I hope to live it KINGSIZE !!!

Ravinder Singal
Ravinder Singal
Quitters Don’t Win and Winners Don’t Quit. Ironman | Deccan Cliffhanger | Comrade Legend Finisher | Motivational Speaker | Writer | Endurance Athlete


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