Who We Are

We make strategies,
design & development
to create valuable products.

The Motivational Speaker

As a speaker, Dr. Singal is a natural orator and has the ability to connect to people. He is the storyteller who sends his message to people in a way they can relate to. Focused and in love with what he does, he speaks of the genuine problems people face.  As he says, “If they can’t relate to you they won’t listen. When you tell a story, people of all age groups are submerged and look for answers”. The uniform has a different impact. Sensitizing people about various issues serves our purpose by reducing the crime rate. Once people are mentally strong, the crimes are less.

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With an alarming increase in crime rates amongst the youth and against women, Dr. Singal is on a mission to sensitize the youth and show them the right path, “They need to be told about their responsibility towards their nation, society, and family as they are the future of our country. They need to be educated to keep them away from crime, drugs, suicide, and other related issues”.

Creative studio with art & technologies.


For the Youth

Dr. Singal addresses students about issues like basic etiquettes, cyber-crime, impact of social media, trafficking, and more. He encourages students to approach their parents, teachers, or directly the police if they face any kind of problems so that they do not get entrapped in crimes or become victims.


For Students

He also inspires students and parents on right academic expectations. In his opinion, high scores in exams is not the ultimate requirement. There is much beyond marks, and they can achieve success in various other fields.


For Parents

He advocates the need for parents to spend quality time with children so as to know and understand what is happening in their lives.  As he says, “Parents need to be open with children, spend time with them, share their thoughts with them, and listen to them without interrupting”.


For Children

He considers children as the ‘Chota Police’ or his brand ambassadors. By inculcating the right habits and generating awareness among children through his talks and seminars, Dr. Singal sends his message to their parents.

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On one occasion, he tweeted a photo of a child wearing a helmet while cycling, which not only gave his school good publicity but made the child a brand ambassador.

Cyber Crime Awareness

Dr. Singal initiated a cyber club in Nasik, where he trained a few cyber ambassadors. They visit colleges and corporates to create vigilance among students and employees about various types of cyber-crimes through presentations.

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They also visit schools to explain students about responsible behavior on the internet. These sessions ranging from one to two hours, intend to answer all the audiences’ queries and generate awareness among them.

Career Guidance Workshops

Dr. Singal is often invited to address students in colleges for career counseling, preparation for engineering and civil services, and the like. He supports students opting for careers that they think best suit them instead of following a trend.

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He sets his own example before them to encourage them and boost their confidence.

Crowd Management

Having achieved a Doctorate in Crowd Management and having the in-depth experience of the Kumbh Melas, the Uttarakhand government invited him to be a part of the panellist at a meeting called for the Haridwar Kumbh Mela, 2021.

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Also, in Mumbai post the Elphinstone Road Railway stampede in 2017, he was invited to speak on conflict resolution, handling people, and crowd management.